Package-level declarations


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sealed interface AnyAwaitable : Awaitable<Any>
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sealed interface Awaitable<T>

An Awaitable allows to await an asynchronous result. Once await is called, the execution waits until the asynchronous result is available.

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sealed interface Awakeable<T> : Awaitable<T>

An Awakeable is a special type of Awaitable which can be arbitrarily completed by another service, by addressing it with its id.

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sealed interface AwakeableHandle

This class represents a handle to an Awakeable created in another service.

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sealed interface Context

This interface exposes the Restate functionalities to Restate services. It can be used to interact with other Restate services, record non-deterministic closures, execute timers and synchronize with external systems.

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sealed interface DurablePromise<T>

A DurablePromise is a durable, distributed version of a Kotlin's Deferred, or more commonly of a future/promise. Restate keeps track of the DurablePromise across restarts/failures.

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sealed interface DurablePromiseHandle<T>

This class represents a handle to a DurablePromise created in another service.

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object KtSerdes
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object KtStateKey
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This interface can be used only within exclusive handlers of virtual objects. It extends Context adding access to the virtual object instance key-value state storage.

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class RestateRandom(seed: Long, syscalls: Syscalls) : Random
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data class RetryPolicy(val initialDelay: Duration, val exponentiationFactor: Float, val maxDelay: Duration? = null, val maxAttempts: Int? = null, val maxDuration: Duration? = null)

Retry policy configuration.

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sealed interface SelectBuilder<in R>
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sealed interface SelectClause<T>
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sealed interface SharedObjectContext : Context

This interface can be used only within shared handlers of virtual objects. It extends Context adding access to the virtual object instance key-value state storage.

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This interface can be used only within shared handlers of workflow. It extends Context adding access to the workflow instance key-value state storage and to the DurablePromise API.

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Opt-in annotation to use the preview of new context features.

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This interface can be used only within workflow handlers of workflow. It extends Context adding access to the workflow instance key-value state storage and to the DurablePromise API.


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suspend fun <T> Client.IdempotentInvocationHandle<T>.attachSuspend(options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): T
suspend fun <T> Client.InvocationHandle<T>.attachSuspend(options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): T
suspend fun <T> Client.WorkflowHandle<T>.attachSuspend(options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): T
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suspend fun <T> awaitAll(vararg awaitables: Awaitable<T>): List<T>

Like kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll, but for Awaitable.

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suspend fun <T> Collection<Awaitable<T>>.awaitAll(): List<T>

Like kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll, but for Awaitable.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Context.awakeable(): Awakeable<T>

Create an Awakeable using KtSerdes.json deserializer, addressable through

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suspend fun <Req, Res> Client.callSuspend(target: Target, reqSerde: Serde<Req>, resSerde: Serde<Res>, req: Req, options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): Res
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suspend fun <T> Client.IdempotentInvocationHandle<T>.getOutputSuspend(options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): Output<T>
suspend fun <T> Client.InvocationHandle<T>.getOutputSuspend(options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): Output<T>
suspend fun <T> Client.WorkflowHandle<T>.getOutputSuspend(options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): Output<T>
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suspend fun Client.AwakeableHandle.rejectSuspend(reason: String, options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT)
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inline suspend fun <T : Any> AwakeableHandle.resolve(payload: T)

Complete with success the Awakeable using KtSerdes.json serializer.

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suspend fun <T : Any> Client.AwakeableHandle.resolveSuspend(serde: Serde<T>, payload: T, options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT)
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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Context.runBlock(name: String = "", noinline block: suspend () -> T): T

Execute a non-deterministic closure, recording the result value in the journal using KtSerdes.json. The result value will be re-played in case of re-invocation (e.g. because of failure recovery or suspension point) without re-executing the closure. Use this feature if you want to perform non-deterministic operations.

inline suspend fun <T : Any> Context.runBlock(name: String = "", retryPolicy: RetryPolicy? = null, noinline block: suspend () -> T): T
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inline suspend fun <R> select(crossinline builder: SelectBuilder<R>.() -> Unit): R

Like, but for Awaitable

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suspend fun <Req> Client.sendSuspend(target: Target, reqSerde: Serde<Req>, req: Req, delay: Duration = Duration.ZERO, options: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.DEFAULT): SendResponse