
This interface can be used only within shared handlers of workflow. It extends Context adding access to the workflow instance key-value state storage and to the DurablePromise API.

NOTE: This interface MUST NOT be accessed concurrently since it can lead to different orderings of user actions, corrupting the execution of the invocation.

See also



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abstract suspend fun <T : Any> awakeable(serde: Serde<T>): Awakeable<T>

Create an Awakeable, addressable through

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Context.awakeable(): Awakeable<T>

Create an Awakeable using KtSerdes.json deserializer, addressable through

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Create a new AwakeableHandle for the provided identifier. You can use it to AwakeableHandle.resolve or AwakeableHandle.reject the linked Awakeable.

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open suspend fun <T, R> call(target: Target, inputSerde: Serde<T>, outputSerde: Serde<R>, parameter: T): R

Invoke another Restate service method and wait for the response. Same as call(methodDescriptor, parameter).await().

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abstract suspend fun <T, R> callAsync(target: Target, inputSerde: Serde<T>, outputSerde: Serde<R>, parameter: T): Awaitable<R>

Invoke another Restate service method.

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abstract suspend fun <T : Any> get(key: StateKey<T>): T?

Gets the state stored under key, deserializing the raw value using the StateKey.serde.

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abstract fun key(): String
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abstract fun <T : Any> promise(key: DurablePromiseKey<T>): DurablePromise<T>

Create a DurablePromise for the given key.

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Create a new DurablePromiseHandle for the provided key. You can use it to DurablePromiseHandle.resolve or DurablePromiseHandle.reject the given DurablePromise.

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abstract fun random(): RestateRandom

Create a RestateRandom instance inherently predictable, seeded on the dev.restate.sdk.common.InvocationId, which is not secret.

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abstract fun request(): Request
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abstract suspend fun <T> runBlock(serde: Serde<T>, name: String = "", block: suspend () -> T): T

Execute a non-deterministic closure, recording the result value in the journal. The result value will be re-played in case of re-invocation (e.g. because of failure recovery or suspension point) without re-executing the closure. Use this feature if you want to perform non-deterministic operations.

abstract suspend fun <T> runBlock(serde: Serde<T>, name: String = "", retryPolicy: RetryPolicy? = null, block: suspend () -> T): T

Like runBlock, but using a custom retry policy.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> Context.runBlock(name: String = "", noinline block: suspend () -> T): T

Execute a non-deterministic closure, recording the result value in the journal using KtSerdes.json. The result value will be re-played in case of re-invocation (e.g. because of failure recovery or suspension point) without re-executing the closure. Use this feature if you want to perform non-deterministic operations.

inline suspend fun <T : Any> Context.runBlock(name: String = "", retryPolicy: RetryPolicy? = null, noinline block: suspend () -> T): T
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abstract suspend fun <T> send(target: Target, inputSerde: Serde<T>, parameter: T, delay: Duration = Duration.ZERO)

Invoke another Restate service without waiting for the response.

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open suspend fun sleep(duration: Duration)

Causes the current execution of the function invocation to sleep for the given duration.

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abstract suspend fun stateKeys(): Collection<String>

Gets all the known state keys for this virtual object instance.

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abstract suspend fun timer(duration: Duration): Awaitable<Unit>

Causes the start of a timer for the given duration. You can await on the timer end by invoking Awaitable.await.